Dear Elizabeth is a 5 years old child, she is able to perform Sil Neem Tao, but she can't able to manage center line well. At her stage, a child self discipline, respect and learning mind set is more important. She is independent and initiative without her mother accompanies. 年纪只有5岁的她能够表演一套小念头,虽然她不能够掌控自己的中线,但是她的表演是值得表扬。在一个年纪轻轻的阶段里,首先要锻炼的是自律,尊敬及服从要 有学习态度。目前
Location 地点: Taman Gembira, Kuala Lumpur Address 地址: 马华公会快乐花园支会 MCA Cawangan Taman Gembira Lot 1624, Jalan Perisa 4, Taman Gembira, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Time 时间 : 10.00am - 12.0pm, Saturday 周六 Lessons 堂 : 4 Lessons 堂 / Month 月
Location 地点: Seremban City 芙蓉市 Address 地址: To be confirmed 待定 Time 时间 : 9.00am - 11.00am, Sunday 周日 Lessons 堂 : 4 Lessons 堂 / Month 月
Location 地点 : Kepong 甲洞 Address 地址 : To be confirmed 待定 Time 时间 : 8.00pm - 10.00pm, Thursday 周四 Lessons 堂 : 4 Lessons 堂 / Month 月
Kindly SMS your name, age, sex, email address, home address to Jiason Foong +6014 338 6866 for application New Intake.