Friday, 26 August 2011

First Lesson of Wing Chun

To understand Chong Sao Technique and the idea of center line

Monday, 22 August 2011

Little Elizabeth performs Sil Neem Tao 小念头套路

Dear Elizabeth is a 5 years old child, she is able to perform Sil Neem Tao, but she can't able to manage center line well. At her stage, a child self discipline, respect and learning mind set is more important. She is independent and initiative without her mother accompanies. 年纪只有5岁的她能够表演一套小念头,虽然她不能够掌控自己的中线,但是她的表演是值得表扬。在一个年纪轻轻的阶段里,首先要锻炼的是自律,尊敬及服从要 有学习态度。目前

Friday, 19 August 2011

New Intake September 2011

Location 地点: Taman Gembira, Kuala Lumpur
Address 地址:  马华公会快乐花园支会
                      MCA Cawangan Taman Gembira
                      Lot 1624, Jalan Perisa 4,
                      Taman Gembira, 58200 Kuala Lumpur,
Time 时间 : 10.00am - 12.0pm, Saturday 周六
Lessons 堂 : 4 Lessons 堂 / Month 月

Location 地点: Seremban City 芙蓉市
Address 地址: To be confirmed 待定
Time 时间 : 9.00am - 11.00am, Sunday 周日
Lessons 堂 : 4 Lessons 堂 / Month  月

Location 地点 : Kepong 甲洞
Address 地址 : To be confirmed  待定
Time 时间 : 8.00pm - 10.00pm, Thursday 周四
Lessons 堂 : 4 Lessons 堂 / Month  月

Kindly SMS your name, age, sex, email address, home address to Jiason Foong +6014 338 6866 for application New Intake.