Monday 27 February 2012

Wing Chun Front Kick and Side Kick Technique Training

Wing Chun Side Kick Technique :
Principle of Side Kick Technique is below the belly. Right Side Kick as foot step stamps on opponent's right tight as image showed, foot step points to the left 90 Degree and left leg as the center of gravity to control the entire body weight. Bong Sao diverts opponent incoming force to above and Wu Sao as protective hand and ready to attack after kicking.
Front Kick Technique :
Right Front Kick stamps on opponent's right tight, right foot step are pointing about 30 degree to right as opponent's tight surface is wider for you to kick, decrease of slippery when the force draws to his tight. Yet, Mun Sao turns to Tan Sao as divert the incoming force of opponent, Wu Sao as protective hand yet ready to attack after kick.