Wednesday 28 August 2013

Gulao Wing Chun, spread of Sofu Roselando's article

"The key to Pin Sun Kuen relies on the flexibilities of body, hands, waist and steps. It emphasises the entire movement but not the partial effect, therefore in most cases it uses the shoulders, palms, fingers, wrists and elbows. The art allows one to switch into different hand shapes when striking, additionally we utilise the Gyeung Gee Fist but not a Flat Fist, in order to change immediately during a fight."
-- Spread of Sifu Jim Roselando's article from the upcoming Issue No. 13 (on sale August 24). Like this? Then please spread the word by clicking the “Like” or "Share" link. Thanks!#wingchunillustrated #wingchun#jimroselando
Wing Chun Illustrated (WCI) is the world’s only magazine dedicated to Wing Chun. Published six times a year, each 60-page, full-colour issue features articles by and about the world’s greatest exponents of the art. WCI is available in various formats: Print (ships worldwide), Desktop, iOS, and Kindle Fire. For more details, please refer to: