Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Baat Jaam Dao, Wing Chun Sifu Robert Chu

"Ip Man did not pass down a single set, just like the Jong. Perhaps it was his work to alter the choreography, as such, the sets he passed down to his students tend to vary greatly. I have many theories as to why there are so many different variations. It was stated that Ip Man only personally taught four people the knives, so why the plethora of sets? Over Dim Sum, Ip Man would demonstrate a few movements with chopsticks and discuss the basic outline of the form. I imagine his students furiously writing notes on their napkins, spilling tea, mis-transcribing Chinese characters, and juxtaposing the order during these rare occasions. So help a student if he had a bad stomach that day! He’d have to get the notes again from his Sihing Dai, which may not be reliable!"
-- Spread of Sifu Robert Chu's article from the upcoming Issue No. 14. New issue on sale October 18. #WingChunIllustrated#RobertChu #WingChun
Wing Chun Illustrated (WCI) is the world’s only magazine dedicated to Wing Chun. Published six times a year, each 60-page, full-colour issue features articles by and about the world’s greatest exponents of the art. WCI is available in various formats: Print (ships worldwide), Desktop, iOS, and Kindle Fire. For more details, please refer to: