Tuesday 18 June 2013

Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine: William Kwok

"Whilst distinguishing between 'traditional' Wing Chun and Practical Wing Chun, I want to be clear that there is no 'right' and 'wrong' way. The Practical Wing Chun system was specifically developed by Wan Sifu to address those typical everyday situations in which Wing Chun can or should be applied. His system still wholly encompasses the aspects of the traditional system, but he has expanded (or developed) where he believes changes can be useful (e.g. five centrelines versus the traditional one centreline, 135-degree angle arm punch versus traditional straight-arm punch). It’s important to note that all of the modifications introduced by Wan Sifu are grounded in the traditional Wing Chun system and its principles, for example, he wouldn’t introduce a boxing hook punch because it does not follow the basic principle of Wing Chun centrelines."
-- Spread of our interview with Sifu William Kwok from the upcoming Issue #12. Like this? Then please spread the word by clicking the “Like” or "Share" link. Thanks!
Wing Chun Illustrated (WCI) is the world’s only magazine dedicated to Wing Chun. Published six times a year, each 60-page, full-colour issue features articles by and about the world’s greatest exponents of the art. WCI is available in various formats: Print (ships worldwide), Desktop, iOS, and Kindle Fire. For more details, please refer to: