Tuesday 11 June 2013

Wing Chun Sifu Kong Chi Keung 江志強 : Little Idea Form 小念頭

江志強 2013

小念頭 (Siu Nim Tau) Little Idea – The word “念” or "concept" includes thought and ideas. Wing Chun is a “thought” based martial art not a “technique” based martial art, we have a saying that goes: “Wing Chun is "to enter with the hands," "express with the mind". When practicing Siu Nim Tau, we pay attention it is practiced not “quickly” and not “quick tempered”. We must understand that our own body must first be correct before we can correct others.
Siu Nim Tau is the basic essence of Wing Chun. It is to enable students to understand and recognize Centerline and distance, power generation concepts and structure of the whole body. It teaches us the concept of “Chiu Ying” - always facing our opponent. When using Wing Chun we aim to hit with the simplest and most direct attack and defense, and how to deal with offence and defense from our six planes.
Beginning with the first section, opening step, opening horse, are Wing Chun’s strict requirements on body structure.
"Double Gang Sau", "Double Tan Sau" are the center dividing hands, it divides left and right and to find the centre. Punching with the most simple left and right Wing Chun Punch, its proper measurement, angle and distance it also contains our proper control of power and point of impact. These are all the things we demand for our fighting structure. 
Continuing to the second section known as "Three Prayers To Buddha" from 1 Tan, 3 Fuk, 4 Huen, 4 Wu, within these techniques, not only do we train our basic hand techniques, but we also focus on training our body, the idea of the elbow carrying the wrist, the endless circular flow of power, calm and clear emotions and mentality, to seek movement within stillness and accurate judgment with our eyes, then we can achieve the proper level.
Third section is about how we alone can fight the many, to separate and to combine, to swallow and to spew, to float and to sink, to steal and to leak, as a close range combat martial art.
The whole Little Idea form is truly the combination of the whole Wing Chun system’s basic skills, It is said: “If you seek the true mysteries of Wing Chun, one must put true effort and hard work from the Little Idea”